Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Anchors Aweigh

To my friends:

Im sorry if I don't speak to you all in the next couple of weeks. For those who don't know, I've joined the Navy and will be reporting for basic training soon. This isn't a dream of mine, or exactly what I planned to do with my life, but I still want to make the best of this experience and be successful.

I will be focused on becoming a sailor and achieving my goals from this point forward, so this will be my last post for a while.

stay tuned...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Celebrity Crushes

The other day I saw a segment on a news program that discussed how average people have celebrity "crushes". There was a psychologist and a therapist, of some kind, debating whether it's healthy for someone in a relationship to admire celebrities.

I didn't care what they had to say, (healthy, or not)! The whole time I was thinking about my celebrity crushes. Yup, I like one or two girls I'll never have...

*Keisha Castle Hughes, Natalie Portman, Parminder Nagra, Rosario Dawson

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Over the last couple of days I've been hearing the word "Indian" used a lot:

*The Cleveland Indians are just a baseball team, but the name and logo had to come from somewhere...

*Adam Beach plays a Native American Marine in Flags of our Fathers and his character takes constant abuse, nicknamed "Chief". It became annoying after hearing it so much , but it is indicative of the time and was acceptable for that reason.

(plus more...)

The examples I gave above are clearly relating to Native Americans. So, what's the problem? It's offensive. As an African American currently observing many different race controversies, I feel like I should have enough to worry about. But I think it's ironic that not only are African Americans threatened with racial problems, but many other (__________) Americans are being taunted about their ethnicity as well.

Just as I my skin color is not "BLACK", I don't like being called it, (although I don't really mind). So when Native Americans are called "Indian", I'm sure that they're annoyed because they're not from India.

And recently I've heard people talk about how oversensitive Americans are becoming. But I feel that if people are being taunted by ignorance and discrimination constantly, then it's not oversensitivity. It's more like cultural awareness.

Because of this I've been trying not to refer to African Americans as "blacks"; although it is easier to say and has been embedded into our society as an acceptable term. From those two examples alone I realized that words are more powerful and influential than we think. So be careful not to offend someone, no matter if it seems not to bother them.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


When will the Yankees get it?

All of New York, and almost all baseball fans know by now that the Yankees were eliminated from the playoffs yesterday. Im happy they lost, but not because I hate the Yankees-- I actually like most of their players, but I feel that their loss is really significant for baseball and Yankees fans.

My problem starts with the organization. It seems like ever since I was a kid, Yankees Management has always tried to "buy" the best team. Every year, instead of calling up players from their minor league teams or going after smaller trades, it seems that they've always went after the most flashy and expensive free agents or trade seekers.

This may have worked for a couple of years when they won 4 or 5 consecutive championships in the late 90's. But, WOW!!! Look at how that's backfired on them! They've got the highest payroll in the league and they struggled to make into the playoffs! Honestly, if my team, the Mariners, didn't have horrible, unexplainable losing streaks the Yankees would've never made the post season!

My second beef is with Yankees fans. Get over it already!!! They can't win all the time! And what do expect when you have a team full players that only care about their own personal stats? And, Im not even gonna begin to speak about how lame it is to blame the coach...(*cough, cough, fire Brian Cashman!!! *cough, cough)

So, that's enough because I don't care to speak anymore about a team I don't like. Hopefully, for their fans, Yankees management will work out a better strategy to help them play, and win, with some kind of dignity...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Discovering Jurassic 5

I've been the biggest J5 fan since their EP, (I was 14 then). These videos started it all:

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Time isn't on my side

Another game that I won't be able to play, yet.(Not only because I have others to finish but also because I don't have a stylus for my DS!)

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass