Thursday, May 31, 2007


Cityscapes are my favorite genre in all of art and filmmaking. It shows that the artist has a very detailed perspective and can really bring parts of a city to life. Here's Tokyo,(I saw this on another blog).

Monday, May 28, 2007


So I've been seeing advert's everywhere for Sony's new OLED technology. I thought to myself that I've already seen this before. But the deal this time around is that these screens are flexible.

I guess this is in responce to all of their easily destructable LCD screens...

Preme's Blends Part 3

Royce da 5'9 and Premiere

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Saturday, May 26, 2007

my cousin's prom

My cousin Brandee went to her senior prom tonite. I hope she and her boyfriend have a good time.

They tooked the Rolls Royce Phantom!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Preme's Blends part 1

Premiere and Nas!

Nas is Like

Arrrgh! Pirates!

So I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, today. Here's a spoiler-free review in 5 points in case you want an opinion.

1. It's a decent sequel.
2. It's a very entertaining film.
3. Still seems a lot like the Disney World ride.
4. Slightly confusing at times.
5. Surprise cameos(for me, at least), by Chow Yun-Fat and Keith Richards.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

2D is still the best!

Spiderman 3, Sherk the Third, the third Pirates of the Carribean film...see the pattern here? All sequals(each the third in the series), but also very reliant on 3D effects and one is entirely 3D animation. However, 2D is much better. check it:

A Scanner Darkly
-Actually this is rotoscoping, but its still better than 3D.

United Airlines Ad
-United Airlines did so well with this style they made a bunch of Ads using it.

Gedo Senki (Tales from Earthsea)
-Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki never disapoint. Now his son, Goro, is making masterpeices too.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Disgracing the game

The news about Jason Giambi's failed drug test isn't really surprising, but I imagine its extremely embarrassing for Yankees fans and ownership. This would be the perfect time to rip on the team since I hate them, but I actually happen to like most of the players so that's unnecessary.

However, Giambi deserves it. Daryl Strawberry definately did --which Im sure wasn't only for his drug use. And, if anyone can ever prove that Barry Bonds used "performance enhancing" drugs Im sure he'll be ridiculed even more than he is now. The bottom line: cheaters only get screwed when they become too good at it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

thro ya f**kin' neck out!

Yo, ever wish that there was a music video for one of your favorite songs? Here's one:

Big Boi performing "The Rooster" on Chapelle

M1A2 Abrams

I grew up loving military machines and technology,(partly because many of my folks were servicemen). So, I often watch the Military Channel. Recently I saw a program called "Tank School", where Marines were in "A" school learning to be tank crew members. I completely understand that war provides horrible outcomes, but for those that appreciate this stuff it's amazing to see.

M1A2 Abrams

If you want to learn more about the M1A2 Abrams tank, check this out:

Monday, May 21, 2007

last day? not quite...

Today I had to go back to school to hand in one more assignment- a "term paper". Unfortunatly, I'm not done completely. One more final exam to take and the semester is over.

Plus, I ran into my friend Munenori. For a minute we were chillin' on campus, catchin' up.

Another year is almost done. So, for those that have summer classes, enjoy!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Hey, just as I don't believe in superstition, I evenly don't follow chinese zodiac. But I saw in my profile here that I was born in the year of the "Ox", according to the zodiac. So I had to find out what makes an Ox, and I was shocked by how well this description(from the trusty Wikipedia, lol) completely describes me.


The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm, and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.
Ox people need peace and quiet to work through their ideas, and when they have set their mind on something it is hard for them to be convinced otherwise. An Ox person has a very logical mind and is extremely systematic in whatever they do, even without imagination. These people speak little but are extremely intelligent. When necessary, they are articulate and eloquent.
The Ox is not extravagant, and the thought of living off credit cards or being in debt makes them nervous. The possibility of taking a serious risk could cause the Ox sleepless nights.
Ox people are truthful and sincere, and the idea of wheeling and dealing in a competitive world is distasteful to them. They are rarely driven by the prospect of financial gain. These people are always welcome because of their honesty and patience. They have many friends, who appreciate the fact that the Ox people are wary of new trends, although every now and then they can be encouraged to try something new.
It is important to remember that the Ox people are sociable and relaxed when they feel secure, but occasionally a dark cloud looms over such people and they engage all the trials of the whole world and seek solutions for them.

(How freaky is that?)

train à grande vitesse "high-speed train"

The TGV V150 at 357mph...WOW!

I love trains.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

where's my good luck?

Usually I don't entertain superstitions but a pigeon crapped all over me today. I tried to look on the bright side of it, which is that Im magically supposed to gain good fortune, (hopefully its something useful)!

my poop stained bag

The good thing about the time I spent in the park was that my brother's baseball team destroyed their oppenents, final score: 15-3.

T. Hopper at the plate

Friday, May 18, 2007

A little patience

Hey Folks, I just created this blog in my absence from Myspace. I don't plan on going back there, so Im going to blog here. That was my favorite feature on Myspace but now that I've found blogger I'm glad to have another forum. Hence the title of this post. I've known about blogger for a while because I've been looking for a way to start blogging way before I had a Myspace profile. But, when I first found blogger I couldn't read the site because the text was in Japanese! So it took a minute to figure out how to change the language. Anyway, I'll be using this for as long as I can. Enjoy, and check daily!