Thursday, May 24, 2007

2D is still the best!

Spiderman 3, Sherk the Third, the third Pirates of the Carribean film...see the pattern here? All sequals(each the third in the series), but also very reliant on 3D effects and one is entirely 3D animation. However, 2D is much better. check it:

A Scanner Darkly
-Actually this is rotoscoping, but its still better than 3D.

United Airlines Ad
-United Airlines did so well with this style they made a bunch of Ads using it.

Gedo Senki (Tales from Earthsea)
-Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki never disapoint. Now his son, Goro, is making masterpeices too.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

i agree with you. even disney movies aren't the same as they used to be. kids nowadays are exposed to 3D effects instead of 2D animation. we were living the good life back then =)

i've seen a few independent films in the past and they were still good without the 3D effects.