Thursday, August 23, 2007

Overgrown trees

Look at how these trees are growing over the fence.


Mr.914 said...

Wow. Something I would've taken pictures of too if I saw that. Where is that though, cuz looking at it It looks like the hudson river is in the background. Lemme know

Angely Rodizzle said...

dude that's crazy

Lisa said...

Holy shit! That looks crazy! Where did you see this?

Lisa said...

I despise winter! It's always gonna be cold no matter how many layers you put on. I tend to get sick a lot too. I used to like winter as a kid because of Christmas. Now it's whatever because people are so shady and think gifts are everything. And snow is ok but it's not best in NYC cause it eventually gets dirty and turns into ice. I get mad at people who don't clear the sidewalks cause it's dangerous and people can slip on ice and bust open their heads.