Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Criterion Collection Store

I just got an exciting email from the Criterion Collection about the revival of their online store. Starting tomorrow they will be reopening a fresh online store, but that's not what I'm going crazy over. This time around, instead of just selling gift items like t-shirts and coffee cups, their DVD's will be for sale too!

This is a big deal for the people that enjoy their great work and are grateful for their amazing collection of classic films, because the official Criterion version of those films can be hard to find.

Last I checked there are hundreds of DVD's in their collection. I own 3, (The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic, and Mon Oncle), but I plan to buy many more very soon! Maybe as soon as the store opens tomorrow...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

hey that seems like a cool website despite the fact that i haven't seen a lot of classic movies back then. i guess it's perfect for a movie junkie like you. i've seen a lot of movies... just mostly 80s and 90s and a few horror flicks from the 60s-70s.

BTW! i noticed you posted that new youtube video on the right side. i didn't know you were a metal gear solid fan! i only beat the first one but wow it's up to 4 already? i'm so out of the loop...