Friday, May 18, 2007

A little patience

Hey Folks, I just created this blog in my absence from Myspace. I don't plan on going back there, so Im going to blog here. That was my favorite feature on Myspace but now that I've found blogger I'm glad to have another forum. Hence the title of this post. I've known about blogger for a while because I've been looking for a way to start blogging way before I had a Myspace profile. But, when I first found blogger I couldn't read the site because the text was in Japanese! So it took a minute to figure out how to change the language. Anyway, I'll be using this for as long as I can. Enjoy, and check daily!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

hey corey! man, i'm such a loser... i kept clicking on the 'comment' link but i didn't realize a pop-up window appeared. so i kept clicking it 10x.

anyway... yeah ok forget myspace. it's too addicting anyway lol. i'll be sure to check out your blog!
blogger is cool... know why? cause google owns it. yes you can tell i'm a hardcore google fan lol.